A great week working in the Netherlands and UK. Back to basics with assisting FMTC to develop a bespoke helideck training facility which emulates and brings awesome training fidelity to students.
We kicked around the idea on paper some 5 weeks ago and this week we were almost complete with a full-scale helideck marked out correctly as per CAP 437 with induced restrictions in the LOS, OFS and 5:1 to get the student thinking, heli-refuelling system and primary / secondary/complimentary fire suppression systems installed, briefing area for toolbox talks and heli-admin. Not only are we just ticking the OPITO / NOGEPA HLO HOIT training requirement, but we are also taking it a step further to ensure students are confident and ready to build competence in their working environment when they leave the training unit. So refreshing and awesome to be working with a company who are innovators and willing to invest in quality training which is already paying dividends in student feedback and uptake. Topped off with Co-chairing the Helioffshore Helideck Work Group meeting with members from around the globe and a UK hospital helipad survey to support improvements to the site in order to operate day and night HEMS ops.
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