Onshore Helipad Inspection, Certification, Gap Analysis and Training

Similar to our well established Offshore Helideck Crew Mentoring Program, the aim and objectives of the Onshore / HEMS Helipad Crew Training Program is to equip the delegate with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform the role of Helipad Crew Member safely and effectively.
A core specialisation of Green Deck Ops is providing Helipad Crew Competency Building and Assessements which assure the client (Hospital Trust) that the helideck crew are safe and effective in their duties. We also offer as part of this package, CAA Radio Operator Training, Examination and Competency Building. Again a key element to ensure the Helipad and supporting interfaces are fully trained, capable and competent in their specific and team roles.
A core specialisation of Green Deck Ops is providing Helipad Crew Competency Building and Assessements which assure the client (Hospital Trust) that the helideck crew are safe and effective in their duties. We also offer as part of this package, CAA Radio Operator Training, Examination and Competency Building. Again a key element to ensure the Helipad and supporting interfaces are fully trained, capable and competent in their specific and team roles.
Offshore Helideck & Onshore Inspection, Certification & Gap Analysis |
Helidecks and the supporting infrastructure are the key enablers for the safe operation of an installation. We conduct a full audit based on the relevant international, national civil aviation directives and companies own procedures and regulations. Our audit is in compliance with both ICAO Annex 14 Vol II and CAP437 for Offshore Operations and CAP1264 for Onshore HEMS Hospital Helipads
We are not solely focused on the helideck / helipad to ensure aviation operations are safe, we also assure the operating environment, emergency response, team training and competence, this includes evaluating crews as well as command and control in normal and emergency situations. Our auditors will actively engage with the leadership team both ashore and offshore to ensure the aviation facilities are maintained and operated to the highest standards |
Helideck, Helipad, Military Flight Deck Design and Equipment Integration
We have several years of experience working with clients in the design, build monitoring, acceptance and through life management of helidecks for the Oil & Gas Offshore Renewables and Superyacht industries as well as onshore Hospital, private and commercial Helipads. From initial helideck / helipad concept phase to operational crew training and mentoring we provide an established system to ensure the client is getting a safe and efficient capability to operate helicopters at sea and on land.
Additionally we have current competence and experience in military ship - air interface, advising on flight deck and aircraft integration. From drawing approval to crew training, we provide an end to end service for the client. |
Offshore Helideck Crew Training, Mentoring and Competence Assessments
The aim and objectives of the Helideck Crew Training Program are to equip the delegate with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform the role of Helideck Crew Member safely and effectively.
A core specialisation of Green Deck Ops is providing Helideck Crew Competency Building and Assessements which assure the client be it oil and gas, superyacht or aircraft operator that the helideck crew are safe and effective in their duties. This is a key element of OGUK Guidelines for the Management of Aviation Operations. Additionally we offer Heli-Admin and radio Operator Competency Building and Assesments, again a key eleiment to ensure the deck and supporting interfaces are fully trained, capable and competent in their specific and team roles. |
All our Competency Assessors have vast experience in offshore helideck operations and hold a current HLO Competency, additionally our Assessors are OPITO approved Competency Assessors who have been specifically trained, examined and accredited by an OPITO Training Provider.
CAP437, CAP 1264, MCA LY Code Annex H, ICAO Annex 14 Vol II Training
Primarily aimed at Aviation Advisors, Logistics Managers, Hospital Facitilites Managers, Helideck / HEMS Helipad Crews, Aviation Operations Supervisors and Superyacht Masters, this course will provide the background for those with a role in helideck safety and assurance. The 2 day course gives students an understanding of the standards and guidelines that ensure a safe environment for helicopter operations, be it on an offshore installation, wind farm hub, support vessel, super yacht or HEMS Helipad
CAA Radio Operator Certificate of Competence (Offshore Communications Service)
Green Deck Ops are a certified and approved Examiner for ROCC, providing training and examinaion for the following disciplines:
An Offshore Radio Operator
The course will consist of a theory section followed by an exam. Personnel holding GMDSS will only be required to complete a theory examination. Upon successful completion of the course, delegates will be awarded a certificate of competence, endorsed by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. |
Flight Deck Team Training
Green Deck Operations was born from military flight deck operations. Our team of ex and serving military trainers bring that extra dynamic to your operational flight deck training needs. Our courses ensure that all aspects of helicopter deck operations are trained, ensuring vessel aviation is as safe and operationally effective as possible.
Our Flight Deck Team Courses develop using the "Crawl, Walk and Run" analogy, from classroom to dry training on your vessel, completing with a at sea phase. Our courses are designed to mimic the UK Flag Officer Sea Training requirements which is utilised by several countries as the standard for military flight deck team training. |
Military Ship - Air Integration
Green Deck Operation are the Ship / Air Integration (SAI) Specialists for both single and multi spot vessels.
The team has vast experience working in the field of ship / air interface having served in military positions as SAI experts previously working within the Technical Enabling Services arm of the UK Military Aviation Authority. We have the knowledge and expertise to integrate ship and aircraft for maximum operational effectiveness using current Defence Standards. We provide consultancy on all aspects of aviation in the maritime environment, including flight deck design, support system integration and standard operational procedures development. |